
Living Beyond Your Mat

Body Memory

January 22, 2015

There was a time, not really that long ago, when my pair of ice skates felt more comfortable to me than anything. When waking up early I found myself on the ice at a local arena, not on my yoga mat. When jumping into the air off the ice and spinning faster than you can …

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A New Dog in Town

April 28, 2014

I haven’t written on my blog in months. I haven’t written much in months period. After our beloved dog Rosie left us in December and I wrote about the experience, I felt kind of dead too. I had lost my inspiration. I felt like hibernating. I wanted to climb into a blanket fort on the …

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Stop and Smell the Rosie

December 16, 2013

A few years ago I was assisting a local yoga event, and I lost someone very special to me. A colleague there with me said, “Don’t ever waste the precious gift that is someone’s death. Feel what gifts it has to offer you.” I was left to consider what the whole experience of losing this …

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